3 quick lessons to keep you up to play with Enterprise 2.0
Basic A great list of "Web 2.0" definitions from Miraz that we people that live on the Web use all the time but may confuse and intimidate those that don't know. As Miraz ably demonstrates, most of the words are actually very easy to understand once someone takes the time to explain them: The Internet is abuzz with a whole new vocabulary: memes and tags, posts and mashups, LOLcats, tweets and RSS. Friends, characters, flag, subscribe and interesting have a whole new meaning. This article helps you find your way in the new Web 2.0 world. My particular favourites are: LOLcats - pictures of cats, with humorous captions, written to a certain style. LOL is short for ‘Lots of Laughs’. Example: www.lolcats.com/view/55 . tags - Words that help describe something. A photo might be titled ‘Solace in the wind’, but have tags such as: wellington, waterfront, sculpture, statue, and so on. Web 2.0 - Websites and services that make it easy for people to connect with one another by