
Showing posts from 2021

Using Your Phone for Work AND Personal

This post starts with a lot of explanations and then I get to the, THIS IS WHY!! A lot of people I know have two phones. Two actual physical phones, one a work phone and one a work one. I find this weird as I can't imagine ever wanting to carry a redundant piece of equipment. "Why do you have two phones?", I ask, "Coz I don't want my work stuff on my own phone". That is a totally wonderful reason ... let me tell you how I do that with one phone.  Of course people have multiple Google Accounts, be that work & personal ones, or multiple personal ones, or personal ones and club ones ... we've all got a few accounts.   On Chrome / Chromium you can have multiple profiles managing each of your accounts. Yes you can have many accounts in the one browser profile BUT trust me it's a LOT easier to have separate profiles, keeps everything separate and synced appropriately, and a theme helps remind you which one you're in. And those Chrome profiles autom

This Lockdown DOES Feel Different

When Aotearoa New Zealand went into Level 4 lockdown for the first time ( March 25th 2020 to April 27th 2020 ) they were "unprecedented times", now, it doesn't feel like that eh. The nation was locking down just as many parts of the world took a similar drastic approach, AoNZ wasn't alone as the world rushed to survive. As people it was so unusual and novel that we had no reference frame helping us 'how to be', so we did as we were told and knuckled down to a life inside. We invented things to keep us going deep inside our newly invented bubble concepts, we learnt new information in engaging ways, we 'fell in love' with those that were guiding us, and it was an adventure. Like all new adventures it was easier for some than others. There were deaths, hardships, and long term issues I suspect we won't recognise let alone deal with for a number of years. But most of all, it was all so so different from anything we had ever encountered. And, it work

Avoid The Safe Pair Of Hands

I hosted an inter-agency event a few years ago and to kick it off I asked the 50 or so attendees to just go wild with ideas, pop down every dream they've ever had about working inside government no matter how small, how big, how "crazy", how "mundane". Yeah, I know, a bit like telling people to get creative!! "Und now, you vill be creative!!" The intention was to get it out, know that you're not alone in your thinking, everyone has something they dream about. And to dream is to hope is to plan is to focus is to do. Here's just a hint at what some people deep inside government, the boring bureaucrats, the upright civil servants, the people like you and me dream about. I like a few of these dreams from government workers, I especially like, "Avoid the safe pair of hands", and "Try more stuff?". I also think free WiFi at police stations should happen!

How To Write Your Job Experience

Whether it's in a traditional CV or on LinkedIn I think the way Michael Lopp has written his job history is both extremely engaging and very very clear - I will be revisiting mine to do similar, you should as well. Here's a sample: ("Operating Systems: ... Steve Jobs ...", LOL)

No More Emails From This Blog

If you have ever signed up to receive updates via email for my fantabulous blog then I'm afraid you're gonna be disappointed from July 2021+ as Google is turning off the email subscription part of the feed from this blog. Starting in July, we are transitioning FeedBurner onto a more stable, modern infrastructure. This will keep the product up and running for all users, but it also means that we will be turning down most non-core feed management features, including email subscriptions, at that time. [source:  Upcoming changes to FeedBurner ] What do I suggest you fine email subscribers do ... um, er ... I dunno tbh as I don't use email to subscribe to blogs. I am a big user of Feedly where you can definitely find me, maybe that's the way to go. Or any of the many other RSS readers that are out there.

3 parts to Active Connections - Available, Open and Equitable

Here I’m talking about connecting people to people, people to information/resources, information to information and resources to resources. All the connections that you need to ensure that the collaboration [ definition ] can flow as long as you've paid attention to the other collaboration pillars: Good information Clear communication Active connections What are 'connections'? Unlike 'communications' and 'information', which I have talked about under the assumption that you know what they mean, I'd like to take a pause and let you into my version of 'connections' in the context of the 3 collaboration pillars . Information is a thing, communication is an activity whereas a connection is anyone of the following: Common goal / purpose Relationship Tools Process Culture ... Connections are the prepared petri dish into which you place your people alongside your good information and clear communication. Or another way of thinking about