
Showing posts from February, 2012

Webstock 2013: Who Would You Like To See [Updated]

Yes, I have popped up a site for all 2013 Conference attendees, Shared Note Taking: There's no harm in asking and providing the Webstock team some ammo when they approach people to talk. Also remember the 2013 might be a pivotal year for Webstock if these tweet from Russell (@publicaddress) is anything to go by: Seems Wellington Town Hall will be available for #webstock 2013, but not for two years after. To be closed mid-2013 for #eqnz strengthening. Having said that, this from @Webstock: We know, we know… We've just finished Webstock '12. Announcing: Webstock '13 will be on 11-15 February next year!! #nosleeptillthen Anyway, have your say remembering that this is merely a whisper in the dark and no-one from Webstock has to take any notice whatsoever ... unless we are legion :-) [[Form removed on 7-Sept-2012]] The Mike Options in more detail Gina Trapani I listen to Gina on the TWiG podcast and she always says what I'm thinking!

Another Google Certification To Add To The List

To be honest Google only have two certifications and after becoming a Google Apps Certified Deployment Specialist this completes the list :-)

Webstock 2012, Your Shared / Collaborative Note Taking [Updated]

Last year WaveAdept (now a part of Cloud Sherpas ), the company I co-founded to bring cloud computing and "make IT invisible", gave to all Webstock attendees a set of open/editable Google Docs with a simple index site allowing us to share our note taking - it was a roaring success . This year I'm not attending and felt doing something similar would be somehow be "rude", and so I asked on Twitter : Would it be rude to pop up a @webstock set of Google Docs (like last year) for collaborative session not taking when I'm not going? The overwhelming response was, "No, get on with it you fool!" Here it is: [Update] Question : Is this just for the 2-day full conference? Answer: Yes My reasoning: the practical "how to" workshops are the product of many hours preparation for which the attendees have paid hard earned money in order for Webstock to recompense the facilitators and I do not believe

The "Cloud", It Just Makes Your Life Easier

I've just been through a report, Customer Perspectives on the Real Benefits Delivered by Google Apps , from Google outlining why their/our* customers have moved to the "cloud" (in this case Google Apps) and the benefits therein. And, of course, there's a lot of "Google is awesome" in the report and no, "We tried but it didn't work for us", but what do you expect. * [Disclaimer] I work for Cloud Sherpas and Google recently named Cloud Sherpas their number one enterprise partner . My overwhelming thought as I read the client comments is that using the "cloud" (subscribed services and your data delivered to you via any web browser/device) has, at it's most basic level, made life easier. The hurdles normal people doing their every day-to-day jobs are going away. Technology is becoming a silent partner that just works - a cause I put my money behind with the old WaveAdept tag line of, "Making IT invisible". Here's

What The Privacy Commisioner Thinks Kiwi's Should Ask When Moving To The Cloud

For some time now the New Zealand Privacy Commissioner has had a draft "The User’s Guide To Privacy and Cloud Computing" set of guidelines that she/they would like your input on. Here's how: Read the document (below or open in a new window ) Email thoughts to Deadline: 14th February, 2012 And if you'd like toget more involved in the New Zealand "cloud" arena I highly recommend the NZ Cloud Computing Code Of Practice : The NZ Cloud Code Initiative is supported by many of New Zealand’s most prominent cloud providers as well as international cloud leaders such as Google and Microsoft. Financial contributors to the project include Xero, Gen-I, Equinox, OneNet, Webdrive, Google,, InternetNZ, NZRise, EOSS Online Ltd, Systems Advisory Services and NZCS. Draft "The User’s Guide To Privacy and Cloud Computing"