Microsoft's use of the "army of JavaScript-typing, buzzword-spouting monkeys"
A fantastic article, How Web 2.0 evangelists make the Microsoft monopoly stronger by Andrew Orlowski , decrying the 'Web 2.0 cult' ("compared the rise of Web 2.0 enthusiasts to the problem the Police has with Freemasons") and how they are now being used by Microsoft to negate the need for regulation. In a nutshell - we're not a monopoly as the Web is now a platform that anyone can/are using. But I also love how the article uses some cracking phrases about those, like myself, that are Web 2.0/Enterprise 2.0 evangelists: cult-like relentless self-advancement "Hive Mind" cult/religion web utopians evangelists Emergent People mighty army of JavaScript-typing, buzzword-spouting monkeys happy-go-lucky Digg crowd There is a hint of truth in what is written. Me using the word "evangelist" is a prime example of how I (and those "like me") are on a wee bit of a mission, even if the mission is for the good of all (but not from God) ... then aga