I understand that THE number one development request for GMail was the ability to have rich formatted signatures. Whilst I get that people want to have a little more than simple text there should be no requirement to fill it out with pointless logos, stupid figgin' colours and annoying "If you got this by mistake ..."! BTW: URL's within GMail signatures are, if prefixed by http://, turned into clickable links by most email clients. However, if your intention is to use your signature as advertising space for your company, please think again. Imagine how tedious it would be if you had to sign every physical letter with more than just your name and basic contact details! Just because it can be done automatically doesn't mean you should. Here's an example of an over the top email signature I recently received. The actual email contained 3 lines from the sender but the whole email displayed was 4 times longer because of this monstrosity: --------------------------