
Showing posts from August, 2010

OpenLabourNZ Public Event This Saturday (28th Aug)

(and when there's a similar open event for National, ACT or The Green I will pop that up as well) From Clare Curran (@clarecurranmp), Dunedin South Labour MP and "open government advocate": I realise that you may not be able to attend this event. If you can't I hope you will participate in some way from afar and details on the live streaming will be announced soon. But I do ask that you circulate details of the OpenLabourNZ event to as many people as possible in your networks inside and outside NZ. This is a genuine attempt to develop a policy for a political party in an open way. And if you believe in the principles of open government I hope you'll support, critique and even help, with advice and suggestions. You don't have to support Labour or consider yourself political. It's about strengthening our democracy and opening up. See my latest Red Alert post which contains details of registration (email ) Doing things differently: OpenLabo

NZ Moves To Embrace Public Sector Information Re-use And Open Data

Thanks to Julian , a stalwart of the Open Govt Ninja's ( become one ), I have read Keitha Booth's excellent review of the New Zealand Government's moves to embrace public sector information (PSI) re-use and open data. She has concisely and fully described the "how we got here" and "the NZ environment" pointing to real-life examples of where data openness has lead to increased service for the community. If you're working within a government agency, check it out to see what your colleagues are doing and how you already have the permission to open up your information and where you can too benefit from ensuring re-use via open data. Topic Report 15: New Zealand moves to embrace PSI Re-use and Open data European Public Sector Information Platform Topic Report no. 15 (published 13 August 2010) Author: Keitha Booth, New Zealand State Services Commission This report summarises the key features of New Zealand’s information policy environment and then describ