
Showing posts from September, 2009

The Hierarchy Of Digitial Distractions

Thanks to Lulu (from for this link from the quite fabulous blog: Click on the diagram to see why you need to Get. Off. Line ... now and again

Software Freedom Day 2009

When: Sunday 20 September 2009, 9.00am-5.00pm Where: Michael Fowler Convention Centre, Wakefield St Twitter account: @WLGSFD Twitter event tag: #sfdwlg09 Flickr tag: #sfdwlg09 Google Group: nz/group/software-freedom-day- wellington RSVP essential: http://www.softwarefreedomday. Software Freedom Day is an annual, global celebration of the use and development of free and open source software, open standards and open participation. This year, Unlimited Potential and a large number of community groups and companies around Wellington are coming together to organise another great event. Come and take part in the hackfest, installfest, a makerfest, barcamp and techtalks, and our 2 new streams: a kids programme and a student programme. Visit the Software Freedom Day website to find out more and register - RSVP is essential: http://www.softwarefreedomday. Many thanks to our event sponsors - NZOSS, SuperHappyDevHouse, Unlimited Potential, WellyLUG, Am

I Love This "ToDo" Tip For GMail Users

Awesome: Using Your GMail As Your ToDo List

Links From The Company

Posts that in the olden days would've been posted here are now appearing over at the WaveAdept blog, such as: Get Help With Google Apps Services Designed For The Teams Of Tomorrow, Not The Office Workers Of Today Google Apps Interest Grows And Grows Bruce Sterling On Why Hyperbole Will Die Enjoy