3 stages that you go through when wikis come into your organisation
A wiki is just a website. Check out the wonderful 'Wikis in Plain English' YouTube vid for the low down. Just like any other web site it displays (generally) a lot of text with a few pictures scattered about. It has some basic navigation and is linked to other pages so you can find your way through. But still, in essence, it's just a website. So what's there to be afraid of? Well, it's a website with 3 main differences to your normal intranet*: Anyone (usually) can edit any page Linking to other pages is very VERY easy Navigation/structure is fluid And so a wiki is also a website with an accessible/open to all Content Management System (CMS) that generates instantly publishable web pages. The power of content authorship moves from the few to the many . This is scary. This is, strangely, more scary for the 'many' than the 'few'. The 'few are so glad that they are no longer the bottleneck and that a truck load of work is lifted off their shoulder