Hard to work inside an organisation - the escape plan
I've previously talked about it seems to be harder to find information (and therefore work) inside an organisation than outside of it. For example, my Dad can find more relevant information quicker than I can ... and he's not being paid, or using dedicated systems designed (!) to give me the information I need to do my job. Accenture recognised this issue and seem to be working towards brining in the experience being used by my Dad and the rest of the consumer world into their organisation, namely tagging, online collaboration and social networking. And not just bringing in the functionality but emulating the experience - it has to be as easy, nice and as quick as it is on the whole of the Internet - don't make me think!?!? Extract courtesy of Julian on Software via my del.iciou.s network received in my reader this morning - that's how easy it should be find information: Accenture also has visual, context-assisted search capabilities already up and running. Ripper