Enterprise 2.0 starter pack

Sit down at the back![Updated] I have published my "Enterprise 2.0 definition"

A set of references to learn about the underlying principles and technologies driving the introduction of "Enterprise 2.0" in organisations.

Web 2.0 definition
Web 2.0, a phrase coined by O'Reilly Media in 2004, refers to a perceived second-generation of Web based communities and hosted services — such as social networking sites, wikis and folksonomies — that facilitate collaboration and sharing between users. O'Reilly Media titled a series of conferences around the phrase, and it has since become widely adopted.

Source: Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_2.0

Enterprise 2.0 definition
The use of Web 2.0 technology and ethos within the corporate boundaries.

Source: me

Enterprise 2.0 is a new enterprising environment which can be differentiated from traditional Enterprise (say, enterprise 1.0). The new enterprising environment use social software in "enterprise" (business) contexts. It includes social and networked modifications to company intranets and other classic software platforms used by large companies to organize their communication. In contrast to traditional enterprise software, which imposes structure prior to use, this generation of software tends to encourage use prior to providing structure.

Source: Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enterprise_2.0

What is Web 2.0? Ideas, technologies and implications for education
(pdf, February 2007) by Paul Anderson

Excellent overview of Web 2.0 (and therefore Enterprise 2.0) particularly the "big picture" elements:
  • Individual production and User Generated Content
  • Harnessing the power of the crowd
  • Data on an epic scale
  • Architecture of Participation
  • Network effects, power laws and the Long Tail
  • Open-ness
It also does a review of the main technologies used to deliver Web 2.0:
  • Blogs
  • Wikis
  • Tagging and social bookmarking
  • Multimedia sharing
  • Audio blogging and podcasting
  • RSS and syndication
  • Newer Web 2.0 services and applications
Read the full article ... (pdf)

What is Enterprise 2.0?
(July 2007) by Fred Cavazza (blog in French)

Another well rounded and complete look at the Enterprise 2.0 world.
Fred starts with:
  • Some definitions and key-articles (and we do not talk about it anymore)
  • It is all (quit not exactly) but technology
  • It’s my file, so I am in command!
  • Enterprise 2.0 = Collaborators 2.0 = HR 2.0
Enterprise 2.0 is above all about sharing and collaboration. Launching a blog, a wiki or an online workspace without anticipating collaborators’ adhesion is a pure waste of time and money. The biggest mistake is to under-estimate habits’ weight and change reticences. Information (the one and only) is a very rare commodity and collaborators are fighting hard for it. They stock it in files which are jealously protected by password and non-shared directory.

Read the full article ...

ABC: An Introduction to Enterprise 2.0

(July 2007) by Ron Miller at CIO

An excellent overview of "Enterprise 2.0" aimed at senior management and particularly CIO's
No doubt, you view "Enterprise 2.0" as yet another buzzword invented by vendors who are vying for your attention. However, once you peel back the layers and look past the Enterprise 2.0 hype, you will discover that it's a useful and reasonable set of technologies for business.
In this introduction to the subject, we explain what Enterprise 2.0 is, how it can help your organization and the technology's limitations.
  • What is Enterprise 2.0?
  • What tools are considered Enterprise 2.0?
  • What are the benefits?
  • What are the risks?
  • How does one get started?
  • Who are the major players as of this writing?
  • What should one look for in a vendor in this area?
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The State of Enterprise 2.0
(October 2007) by Dion Hinchcliffe (blog)

Dion reviews the Enterprise 2.0 arena and serves up some excellent lessons learn so far:
  1. Enterprise 2.0 is going to happen in your organization with you or without you.
  2. Effective Enterprise 2.0 seems to involve more than just blogs and wikis.
  3. Enterprise 2.0 is more a state of mind than a product you can purchase.
  4. Most businesses still need to educate their workers on the techniques and best practices of Enterprise 2.0 and social media.
  5. The benefits of Enterprise 2.0 can be dramatic, but only builds steadily over time
  6. Enterprise 2.0 doesn’t seem to put older IT systems out of business.
Read the full article ...
Read my review of this and three other 'future' articles ...

The Trends Underlying Enterprise 2.0

(March 2006) by Andrew McAfee (blog)

Andrew is a well respected and regular 'Enterprise 2.0' blogger working at the Harvard Business School. In this article he discusses the three main trends of Enterprise 2.0 that have I have implemented at organisations:
  1. Simple, Free Platforms for Self-Expression
  2. Emergent Structures, Rather than Imposed Ones.
  3. Order from Chaos
Read the full article ...

A Web 2.0 Tour for the Enterprise
(August 2006) by Shiv Singh (blog)

Thanks to the hype generated by Business Week, The New York Times, Fortune, and Newsweek (among others), Web 2.0 has captured the imagination of consumers and businesses alike. But knowing how to leverage Web 2.0 concepts to fuel collaboration and innovation among employees, partners, and customers is another story. Web 2.0 can change an enterprise but recognizing how, and determining whether you should, do so is confusing. This article aims to dispel some of the myths surrounding Web 2.0 while discussing its practical applications within organizations. Then the enterprise—businesses and their practices—can embrace and extend Web 2.0 to Enterprise 2.0.
Read the full article ...

Further reading
It has been estimated that an 'Internet year' is around 2-3 months in 'real' terms and this definitely applies to the Enterprise 2.0 arena with it's implications and the underlying technologies growing and maturing at a rapid rate. The following blogs are recommended reading to keep a track of this fast paced world:


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