Ideas From The Innovators On Where Enterprise S/W Is Going [video]

From Derek’s Blog - Cloud Computing Panel
A wonderful discussion from an all-star panel at the recent ReadWriteWeb conference where they took a closer look at the implications of the current shift towards cloud computing and discussed the possible business models around it. The panel featured Adobe’s CTO Kevin Lynch,’s CEO Marc Benioff, Google’s Dave Girouard, and VMware’s CEO Paul Maritz. It was moderated by Tim O’Reilly.

Listen for a great response from David Girouard (Google) in response to the question, ¨What do you guys think of Microsoft Azure?¨
I feel like I’ve been saying for 18 months now that comparing Google Apps with Microsoft Office was apples to oranges and I feel like, great, bring out there and we’ll finally be able to have apples against apples and we think our apples will taste better. So, it’s great ... it’s not gonna be here for a while and we have a great opportunity to extend the lead that we have [...] but it’s a great endorsement finally by Microsoft that this is the future ...


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