The Future As Seen By Me In 2010

Well looky here, things one has scanned in eh. (ignore the photo, that's some guy that made some accounting software, not sure what became of him ;) MIKE RIVERSDALE is fuming. The expensive headphones he bought in Sydney three weeks ago have just died. His first reaction is not to randomly spill expletives into his coffee, but to use his iPhone to vent his frustration to his Twitter con- tacts, under the moniker Miramar Mike. "I will also put, 'What should I do?' It's a conversation. I'm reaching out to the people following me." The council predicts hand-held digital devices such as smartphones will rule the world in 2040. They already rule the life of Mr Riversdale, whose company WaveAdept helps businesses adapt - their computing sys- tems to allow staff to work from anywhere - and with anyone. In order of fre- equency, he uses his iPhone to tweet (1136 followers; 8363 tweets since joining), e-mail, make phone calls and use online services, such as checki

Tech Is Not Bad

Tech is neither good nor bad, it's what we do with it that mat----, hmmm, "Guns are neither good nor bad it's ...", Ok, my starting position has been undermined by my own brain within seconds of starting.

My father, Derek, has Alzheimer's and has been in a care home all of 2020. Whilst this is of course a long way away for me here in Aotearoa New Zealand and the same for my brother in Sweden it has also been an barrier for my Mum who's not been allowed to visit him since COVID hit Wales.

She calls him on the phone a few times a week, has some classic conversations ranging from being at Base Camp One ready for the push to the summit, through memories of the past but happening to him now, and sometimes to actual cogent conversations.

It's not the same though for my Mum, to hug her husband and feel his heartbeat against hers is her ongoing dream.

Tech is good for us. A few months ago we asked the care home if we could have a Skype call with him. Of course they instantly replied, and we now have a weekly video catch-up with my Dad. Some days these are quick, sometimes they are silent, sometimes they are full of laughter and connections.

Family love at a distance

I have been called, with a pejorative tone, a "tech positive, always seeing the best" which I wear with pride. I am however also a realist and believe the tech industry needs to face its many issues, live up to its social contract, and definitely take responsibility for the damage it's tools can do to individuals and society as a whole. I can be both positive and a realist.

Today I celebrate the love and life the tools bring to me. Tomorrow I will berate those that use the same tools to divide and disempower.


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