#WellyTech 2017 Get Together - A Connection Starter

On the back of the highly successful NZ Rise TechWeek "Who Is IT Wellington" event, some internal discussion at NZ Rise and an ever increasing desire to bring together as many of the #WellyTech communities as possible I am going to propose that the following is put into everyone diary:

  • Friday, 1st December, 2017, 4:30pm+
  • Venue: tbc, but will hold around 200 ...
  • Cost: $20 / ticket (but wait, there will be ways to get free tickets)

I am hoping that last year's amazing co-hosts are keen to continue to grow the wider community and will be looking to bring in more - reach out and make yourself/them known to me.
  • BizDojo, 
  • ColliderWgtn, 
  • DevAcademy, 
  • Geekzone, 
  • NZ Rise, 
  • Hack Miramar, 
  • Open Data NZ, 
  • and Rails Girls Wellington.
And this year we will have a theme, "Connections" ... 

Remember, there are only around 80-100k ICT workers in the whole of New Zealand. That includes everyone from the CEO's of software companies, CIO's of large Government agencies, the raft of PM and BAs out there to the hard working devs and designers making the computers do what the computers do.

That's not that many for the whole country.
And yet we are all just a little be disconnected ... we can change that!


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