Get Apps AND Support Christchurch -

'Top Three' iPhone app iconOk, I saw Rowan Simpson's post, 5% Done, and checked out the Top Three iPhone app he talked about .... "Hmmm, do I really want it, it costs $$$ and I'm famously a person that uses $0 licence cost stuff. And it's an iPhone app and I'm also against them really. Hmmmm, I dunno, nah, I'll leave it."

But I really, REALLY liked the idea of the app.

Time goes by. Erthquakes happen and New Zealand rises up to in support and today NZ developers released their contribution:

Awesome, I can get the app (fuck the silly quibbles I previously had) AND donate. I am so in!!

Get over there and buy one, two or more apps from the big choice.

Thanks NZ dev community, you are making a difference!

PS: Don't forget WaveAdept's offer of getting any Christchurch businesses email flowing again; details:


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