'NZ Open Govt' Calendar
Ok, so Craig Thomler popped an Aussie calendar up first with his Gov 2 and social media events calendar for Australia to which I thought, "Shame there's not enough NZ events to warrant a calendar" - I was wrong, the demand is there so let's crack into a similar calendar for NZ.
The "NZ Open Govt' calendar is based upon the barcamp calendar from the NZ Open Govt Data Barcamp and Hackfest event. That means it's open to all members of the associated Google Group already.
If you want to add an event to the calendar let me know and I can do it for you OR, even better, give you the access to do it yourself - mike.riversdale+nzopengovt@miramarmike.co.nz
The "NZ Open Govt' calendar is based upon the barcamp calendar from the NZ Open Govt Data Barcamp and Hackfest event. That means it's open to all members of the associated Google Group already.
If you want to add an event to the calendar let me know and I can do it for you OR, even better, give you the access to do it yourself - mike.riversdale+nzopengovt@miramarmike.co.nz
- Public URL
http://www.google.com/calendar/hosted/miramarmike.co.nz/embed?src=gmeclgm8mueio8p9dhk05e47n4%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Pacific/Auckland - Subscribe (ics)
http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/gmeclgm8mueio8p9dhk05e47n4%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics - XML feed
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