The Future As Seen By Me In 2010

Well looky here, things one has scanned in eh. (ignore the photo, that's some guy that made some accounting software, not sure what became of him ;) MIKE RIVERSDALE is fuming. The expensive headphones he bought in Sydney three weeks ago have just died. His first reaction is not to randomly spill expletives into his coffee, but to use his iPhone to vent his frustration to his Twitter con- tacts, under the moniker Miramar Mike. "I will also put, 'What should I do?' It's a conversation. I'm reaching out to the people following me." The council predicts hand-held digital devices such as smartphones will rule the world in 2040. They already rule the life of Mr Riversdale, whose company WaveAdept helps businesses adapt - their computing sys- tems to allow staff to work from anywhere - and with anyone. In order of fre- equency, he uses his iPhone to tweet (1136 followers; 8363 tweets since joining), e-mail, make phone calls and use online services, such as checki

UP Free Event: Wellington To The World (Tue 17th Nov)

Last year's inaugral event was quite fun AND was my first introduction to Aptimize which has gone from strength to strength since then - check out the presentations from them and the others at the W2W YouTube channel.

So, who will be this years stand out performer from those that will present during the live technology showcase featuring pitches from selected and groomed Wellington technology companies?

Another top reason to pop along (apart from the attractive price of $0) is to hear Richard MacManus talk around this year’s theme, ‘Going Global with Your Technology Business’. Other speakers are Ben Young (entrepreneur, author and marketing guru) and John Watt (nanotechnology pioneer and MacDiarmid Young Scientist of the Year).

Reserve your free ticket at:
Tuesday 17 November 2009, 2:00pm - 8:00pm
Civic Suite, Level 2, Wellington Town Hall, Wakefield Street, Wellington

Unlimited Potential's W2W event aims to build bridges between academia, technology entrepreneurs and investor communities. The focus for this year's event is "internationalising your technology venture". Appropriately, our keynote speaker will be Richard MacManus, local web entrepreneur and founder of ReadWriteWeb, one of the world's leading tech blogs.

This year W2W will be an official Global Entrepreneurship Week event and represents a huge opportunity for our local tech sector to gain global recognition. Stay tuned for updates @UPnz as we announce more cool speakers and activities.


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