In Christchurch Next Week - Love To Talk Google With Us?

As part of WaveAdept's drive to create an "ecosystem" of Google Apps users around New Zealand two of us are on the road from next week.

First call, Christchurch - Thursday 29th / Friday 30th, October

With any collaboration discussion and particularly the breadth offered by Google Apps the discussions can be wide ranging and so we are targeting our time around the following topics:
  • What the hell is Google Apps?
  • How can it help my business and how much does it cost ($70/user/year!)
  • We already use it but not sure we're getting the most value out of it, now what?
  • I know/use it personally and know my work would benefit but ... how do they get it?
Of course, like all the best conversations nothing is written in stone so don't hold back :-)

We've deliberately left time for those that we don't know to get some free time with us.
(those that know and have already booked us are cool as but what about those that just want to hear more - this is YOUR time)

How to get time with Dave and I:
Look forward to talking with you one-on-one OR at the Canterbury CloudCamp event on the Friday afternoon.


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