The Future As Seen By Me In 2010

Well looky here, things one has scanned in eh. (ignore the photo, that's some guy that made some accounting software, not sure what became of him ;) MIKE RIVERSDALE is fuming. The expensive headphones he bought in Sydney three weeks ago have just died. His first reaction is not to randomly spill expletives into his coffee, but to use his iPhone to vent his frustration to his Twitter con- tacts, under the moniker Miramar Mike. "I will also put, 'What should I do?' It's a conversation. I'm reaching out to the people following me." The council predicts hand-held digital devices such as smartphones will rule the world in 2040. They already rule the life of Mr Riversdale, whose company WaveAdept helps businesses adapt - their computing sys- tems to allow staff to work from anywhere - and with anyone. In order of fre- equency, he uses his iPhone to tweet (1136 followers; 8363 tweets since joining), e-mail, make phone calls and use online services, such as checki

FREE: Building Successful Online Communities Event

I am such a shocker, Mauricio sent this through a week or so ago and it's only now that Ben has posted it, Building Successful Online Communities, that I remember, doh!

All the details at Diversity but here's the nuggets:
How to create, develop and evolve a social media presence to increase collaboration, drive awareness and improve customer loyalty

... Intergen has invited Andreas Stjernström from Swedish enterprise software company EPiServer to New Zealand. He will highlight the reasons why developing a community is important, and give real world examples of organisations that have successfully created and maximised the benefits of online communities.

Intended as an introduction to online community development, these free events are targeted at:

  • Organisations that are currently creating or are looking to create or sponsor an online community.
  • Agencies who want to offer your customers options for taking advantage of social media.
  • Marketers and communicators who are looking for new mediums to communicate your organisation’s value proposition.


Wellington Wednesday 5 November, Level 7, 126 Lambton Quay – 4.30pm-6pm

Christchurch Thursday 6 November, Level 2, 158 Hereford Street, 8am – 9.30am

Auckland Friday 7 November, Level 2, 15 Huron Street, Takapuna – 12.30pm – 2pm

To register for these free events, email

I will most definitely popping along to the Wellington seminar (5 November, Level 7, 126 Lambton Quay – 4.30pm-6pm) - see you there!


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