Free Event: Google in the Public Sector (Fri 25th July: 8:30am-10:30am)

Jan Zawadzki Ltd are hosting a FREE morning around "Google in the Public Sector" at the James Cook Hotel (147 The Terrace, Wellington) on Friday 25th July (8:30am-10:30am).

The event will cover:
Google Tools in the Public Sector

Google releases new tools and features on an almost daily basis - the pace of development is enormous.

Come and learn about what's available and how to apply these immediately at enterprise, group, or even team level. We will take you on a complete Google solutions tour, including:
  • Google Compliance - policy-based content filtering and archiving tools for email, Web and IM
  • Google Sites - functionally-rich collaboration platform for streamlining internal teams and engaging external stakeholders
  • Google Search Appliances - instant, real-time and secure access to the information stores in your enterprise: email, shared drives, content management and business applications
  • Google Maps & Earth - tools for making geographic information easily accesible, understandable and useful
  • Google Apps - document, spreadsheet and presentation tools for users who don't need the complexity and overhead of MS Office
  • Gmail - email platform with powerful search facilities, virus/spam filtering, massive storage capacity and 24/7 availability
  • Google Calendar - collaborative online calendar that makes it easy to share and publicise
  • and lots more: Analytics, Notebook, Custom Search, Desktop, Picasa, Groups, Talk, iGoogle, AdWords, Gears, and others...!
Sounds like anyone (public sector or not) wanting to know how they can use Google applications to enhance their business should get along. I, of course, will be there and expect you all to say hi!

It's a free event to which they'd like you to register

What Jan Zawadzki Ltd say about themselves:
We're a consultancy specialising in enterprise information management. We help organisations develop, communicate and deliver effective information management strategies, and align these with business strategies and outcomes.


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