Wellington barcamp - 2 for 1 deal; Internet Identity PLUS Mobile

The fine folk organising the Internet Identity barcamp and the Mobile barcamp have taken my suggestion on-board of combining them into one and now we have a cracking potential for cross pollination of ideas.

But don't think that because you're into shiny hand-held gadgets you can't go because you'll have to listen to boring ID stuff - OR - because you want to understand more about Identity but don't think whizzo tools for mobile phones is your thing you shouldn't go.

The two Barcamps are at the same place.
They will be using the same facilities.
They will be sharing pizza and beer (probably)

They WILL NOT be forcing one voice on another.

But most of all, remember that Barcamps are about participation and with you, me, everyone designing the conference schedule. Sign-up (ID / Mobile), get along and make the two days whatever you want it to be!

The details:
  • What: Internet Identity barcamp + Mobile barcamp
  • When:
    • Friday 25th - 1:00pm - 4:00pm
      Overview presentations and session planning plus drinks at a local pub after.
    • Saturday 26th - 9:30am - 6:00pm
      Open Sessions.
  • Where: State Services Commission, 100 Molesworth Street , Wellington

Oh, and don't forget that Ludwig is well on the way to filling up the Auckland Barcamp 2 (12th July). Get in while there are still places ... especially if you're of the female persuasion as it seems to be all guy geeks at the mo', go Auckland girl geeks!!!


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