Man keeps in contact with friends without using Social Networking site

Wow, I mean it's novel but would that actually still work in this on-line connected world ;-)

News Biscuit: Man keeps in contact with friends without using Social Networking site
A Leicestershire man revealed today that he has been keeping touch with his friends without using Myspace, Friends Reunited and Bebo. Speaking from his home, Ben Stevens, an account manager from Wigston, insisted it was to communicate with people without a computer. ‘I just carried on contacting people in the same way I have for years. More often than not, I pick up the phone or visit someone, have a cup of tea and a chat or whatever. We might even play Scrabble while we were in the same room. Occasionally I even put pen to paper and write a letter.’

Read (and laugh with) the rest of the article >>

(of course it's humour and not to be taken serious, *phew* )


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