2008 Web Predictions

Richard (and his fellow editors) over at ReadWriteWeb have popped up their predictions for the Web and I have added mine in the comments - here they are:
  1. Online persona/identity will become key to those wanting to grow (Google, Facebook and everyone else) - we will all worry and blog about what it means for the future of the world. Nothing will change.

  2. Companies/organisations/agencies IT Departments will struggle with "Enterprise 2.0" infiltrating in as the young 'uns "just do it".

  3. The USA Election will change the way politics in that country is fought with the Internet (Web) becoming the primary battle ground. The fall out from this will be substantial and I suspect YouTube/Google will do very well out of it.

  4. Mobile web. The battle ground isn't on the "PC" and this will truly become apparent towards the 2nd half of 2008 as more countries implement the ability and make it cost effective for you & I to dump the "PC" and carry it all around in our pockets. Microsoft will do well out of this ... and then so will Google.

  5. The music industry will start it's final battle for survival ... it may survive 2008 but I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't. The movie industry will be next and it'll change VERY quickly once movie theatres get connected.


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